3 Steps to Improvement
Jim McLean is one of Chris’s mentors and has had the greatest influence on his teaching career. Chris had the privilege of working with him for 8 years in Miami, Florida. Jim breaks the learning process into 3 simple steps, which Chris has naturally adopted into his teaching process!
What are you doing now?
Refers what what you are doing "right now"! Not what you thought you were doing or what your buddy said you were doing last week. ( This is why Chris always records the students swing prior to making any changes. The camera doesn't lie!)
What should you be doing instead?
Reflects the discovery and analysis of your weaknesses/flaws versus the correct motions/ideas. (Now that you know what you need to do, can you do it?)
How do you make the change?
This is where Chris shows you what to do through various drills and skill developing exercises. ( Chris will also create a customized improvement plan that reflects your goals and personal schedule.)